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Returning Customer Requests New Technology

Here at Rig Source we take pride in the relationships we build while providing drill rig sales and rentals. It’s through our customer service that we’re able to establish a rapport with our customers that keeps them coming back time after time for their drill rig needs. These connections work both ways because our customers educate our team on industry developments and trends which ensures we’re continuing to offer state-of-the-art drill rigs. We’ve been working closely with Anderson Environmental Contracting, LLC (AEC Drilling) to help them with their mission to improve project efficiency. By adding a Geoprobe 3230 to our rental fleet, AEC Drilling was provided an affordable option for attaining the highly versatile rig, and we were fortunate enough to expand our rental fleet offerings after seeing the instant success the unit provided them.

AEC Drilling

Longtime Rig Source customers and experienced leaders in the drilling industry, Brian and David Gose joined Anderson Environmental Company in 2018 to start AEC Drilling, a new drilling division to serve the Geotechnical, Environmental and Coring industries in the Pacific Northwest. After purchasing their initial equipment fleet, the Gose’s soon found their fleet at 100% utilization which required them to seek out alternative equipment solutions in order to keep growing the business.

“We went right to Rig Source for drill rig rentals because we knew from previous experience they were easy to work with and always provided quality rigs,” expresses Brian Gose, Director at AEC Drilling.

AEC Drilling first leased a Geoprobe 7822DT direct push rig followed by a track mounted Diedrich D-50. The capabilities and small footprint of the Geoprobe 7822DT served the needs of AEC Drilling, but the Diedrich D-50 proved to be more robust than required for the services they routinely offered. What AEC Drilling really wanted and needed to maximize their efficiency was Geoprobe’s latest 3230 model. At the time, Rig Source didn’t carry the Geoprobe 3230 in their rental fleet.

AEC Drilling Geoprobe 3230

Expanding the Rental Fleet

The Geoprobe 3230 is a combination rig released by Geoprobe Systems early in 2015. Rig Source was familiar with the new unit and had seen the demo during a Geoprobe Days event. However, they hadn’t received any customer inquiries about one and therefore hadn’t considered adding one to their rental fleet. That all changed when AEC Drilling approached Rig Source with their equipment request.

“Once I knew the customer interest was there, I was all about expanding our fleet offerings to include the new 3230 Geoprobe model. Fitting customers with rigs that align with their needs is our top priority at Rig Source because it leads to the highest level of customer satisfaction,” explains Mike Crimaldi, President at Rig Source.

As result of AEC Drilling’s eagerness to have affordable access to a Geoprobe 3230 model for their drilling endeavors, Rig Source added one to its rental fleet.

Sold Geoprobe 3230

Geoprobe 3230

The Geoprobe 3230 model is a versatile rig offering direct push, auger and high-speed rotary drilling capabilities. As a multi-functioning rig, operators are able to easily move between tasks without having to change out machines.

“The Geoprobe 3230 gives us the same power as a larger auger rig but provides us with more capabilities and the flexibility to jump between tasks with a single piece of equipment,” states Gose. “Direct push is less expensive so we like to offer that option to clients first, which we can with the Geoprobe 3230, but we also know that if we get into difficult formation and are unsuccessful with direct push we can simply switch to using hollow stem auger without having to re-mobilize an auger rig.”

The versatility is significant for AEC Drilling as they’re frequently performing services for soil and ground water sampling, soil remediation, monitoring wells, remediation wells, geotechnical sampling, and injections. Since taking Rig Source’s only Geoprobe 3230 out on a long term rental and finding instant success with it, AEC Drilling has decided to purchase the unit from Rig Source upon termination of the lease.

Geoprobe 3230 In Operation

“We’re always happy to see our customers succeed with the drill rigs we provide and are honored that so many customers like AEC Drilling feel comfortable coming to us and requesting new rig technology that match their unique needs,” expressed Crimaldi.

Knowing how much success AEC Drilling has seen with the Geoprobe 3230 rig, Rig Source procured a second unit to replace the one being sold from their rental fleet. The new model will be available in October and it is their hope that other drillers will take full advantage of the rental opportunity.

“We’re truly thankful to have such a dependable rig provider like Rig Source that was able to accommodate our specific requests,” admits Gose. “Even since adding the Geoprobe 3230 to our fleet, we’ve been back to Rig Source to purchase a Chemgrout unit and our experience was again, nothing short of amazing.”

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