Take advantage of an excellent opportunity to rent this Geoprobe 3230DT. The Geoprobe 3230DT is equipped for direct push, auger, CPT, and core drilling work. Reserve this rental unit today.
Geoprobe 3230DT Rental Specifications:
- Weight: 20,000 lbs.
- Dimensions: 217”L x 80”W x 100”H
- Torque: 6000 ft-lbs. @ 75 RPM
- Features:
- Triple winches
- Telescoping winch mast
- Head side shift
- Breakout table & wrench
- 3L6 water pump
- 4 speed head
For more information on our Geoprobe 3230DT, please contact the Rig Source rental team at 630.365.1649.