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Crawler Carrier Uses Broken Down by Region & State Continued – Part 3

Welcome back to part three of our series covering the use of crawler carriers across various regions of the US. Click on the links provided to catch up on the Western Regions or Mid Regions of the US. Otherwise, read on and enjoy learning about crawler carrier usage along the Eastern regions of the US.

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Travel the Eastern Regions of the US on Tracks

New England Region – Encompassing the states of Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island & Vermont.

  • New England is one of the most historic regions of United States, and with that comes an older infrastructure requiring a great deal of maintenance and repair. Crawler carriers benefit the New England region by providing the local industries with reliable equipment capable of adapting to the various seasons and infrastructure needs such as pipeline repair, environmental restoration, and utility maintenance. The most commonly sought after crawler carrier attachments for this region are standard dump beds, tac welders, water tanks, pipe heating units and more.

Mid-Atlantic Region – Encompassing the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New Jersey & New York.

  • The Mid-Atlantic Region is truly the heart of pipeline work for the Unites States because it contains the Marcellus and Bakken Shales. The Marcellus Shale is the largest source of natural gas in the United States so it is no wonder that crawler carrier usage is at its highest rate for the country in this region. Crawler carriers are used in every step of the pipeline process; beginning with utility locating and finishing up with land restoration. Top attachments used for crawler carriers across the entire Mid-Atlantic Region include, vacuum excavators, water tanks, cranes, tac welders, personnel carriers, compressors, hydroseeders, bark blowers and straw blowers.

South-Atlantic Region – Encompassing the states of Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina & South Carolina.

  • The South-Atlantic Region is a hot spot for a multitude of industries, and crawler carriers are used routinely due to their versatility across a wide variety of terrain conditions. This region includes the Appalachian Mountains and is also home of the Coastal Plaines. The Proximity to the Mid-Atlantic Region means pipelines are still among the top local industries to depend on crawler carriers, but the units are also being used for earth moving and excavation projects which require attachments such as hydroseeders, bark blowers, straw blowers and rock beds. As you travel into Virginia, the use of crawler carriers is also increasing for the utility market.

Southeast Region – Encompassing the states of Georgia & Florida.

  • Surrounded largely by water from both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, the Southeast Region has found crawler carrier use a key tool for shoreline restoration as well as land reclamation. This is a tourist region so using low impact equipment like carriers that have low ground pressure assist both Georgia and Florida in preserving their environments for visitors. Pipeline projects such as the Sabal Trail Transmission are also expected to increased crawler carrier usage once the project commences in 2016. The last prominent use of crawler carriers for mention in the Southeast Region has been in utilities. Digger derricks and boom lift attachments are being mounted to the rear of crawler carriers more and more which is allowing easier accessibility to utility pole installation sites.
Regional Wrap Up

Crawler carrier usage among all regions in the United States has been on a tremendous upward growth pattern in recent years as more and more as technological advancements to crawler carriers have been introduced. Each new advancement has made work in these trade industries that much easier and safer than ever before. The adaptability of crawler carriers to hold various specialty attachments, and interchange them with ease also enhances productivity for employers by providing their workers with all the tools necessary, even in remote locations to continue working. There isn’t an industry out there that couldn’t benefit from crawler carriers, and as future uses come about and new attachments are developed – you can count on Rig Source to keep you informed and your fleet stocked!

*Common Crawler Carrier Attachments Mentioned Throughout the Series: Standard Dump/Flat Bed, Dust Suppression Spray Boom, Fuel Tank, Rock Bed, Tac Welder, Personnel Carrier, Pipe Heating Unit, Compressor, Bark Blower, Hydroseeder, Water Tank, Knuckle Boom Crane, Geotechnical Drills and Straw Blowers.

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