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3 Tips to Avoid a Headache When Renting a Crawler Carrier

There are a limited number of options available for those looking to rent crawler carriers. It’s a niche market and most rental companies simply don’t carry the various types of crawler carrier units. Likewise, when you do find those few companies that offer what you need, prices can be high and quality is always a questionable issue. So take a moment to read these tips on how to select the right rental crawler carrier before diving in.

  1. Factor in price, availability, and distance. When calling around in search of a rental crawler carrier, be sure to ask these three things. Each has potential to play into one another, and it is always helpful to play out the different scenarios before making a selection. Simple differences such as short or long term rentals and distance can quickly raise or lower your overall rental costs. All three of these factors will fluctuate depending on your need, but just be sure to ask these pertinent questions. Better to educate yourself early on so you can avoid those shocking discoveries later.
  2. Look for excellent customer service. Every rental agency is going to offer varying levels of customer service, and probably has a reputation for it. Find out what that reputation might be and what technical service is offered in the case a breakdown ocurrs before committing. Completing a simple Google search will usually bring up the good, bad, and the ugly about any company so be sure to utilize the resources you have. Additionally, if your rental unit breaks down, how quickly will the provider offer you support and assistance. Break down time costs you money, and an excellent rental agency will recognize that, and work to have you up and running quickly.
  3. Lastly, don’t be “that” company. Often times while renting, and this goes for more than just crawler carriers, but users don’t report mistakes or accidents.  Fear of huge repair fees will deter them from making the reports even the most respectful know they should. Reporting is huge for a rental agency because it allows us to identify the problem in order to fix it accurately and in a timely fashion. If not for you, but for the next guy. Damage and accidents are bound to occur with rental equipment and most rental agencies are aware of this. Be honest and put in the effort to build a relationship with the rental agency of choice. It’s a well-known fact that long lasting and honest customers can reap some of the best benefits, such as better rates, more flexibility, and even customized plans.

Chances are if you’re in the market for a rental crawler carrier you have a job to do, a deadline to make, a boss to please, and the added stress of having to hunt down the equipment to use. Variety of crawler carriers lined upDon’t let all of the above get the best of you. Follow these three tips and you will find this task doesn’t need to be so daunting. To get started on your rental crawler carrier search, call Rig Source Inc. today at 630.365.1649 or view our online rental showroom. We are a one stop shop for your rental equipment needs, and offer high quality rental equipment at reasonable prices and more!

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