(630) 415-1601

Pipeline Equipment Guide

Pipeline Equipment Guide

How Crawler Carriers Fit Into the Pipeline Process

Whether you’ve already won the bid on a pipeline job or are awaiting confirmation, Rig Source is prepared to assist you every step of the way when it comes to having the crawler carriers you need to carry out each step of the pipeline process. Our sales floor is stocked with new Terramac® crawler carriers as well as used Morooka and used IHI units, in every size. We offer custom mounting of pipeline specialty attachments for any model crawler carrier, and will work direct with other OEM’s to ensure quality and safety. In addition to crawler carrier sales, Rig Source offers a crawler carrier rental fleet packed with a variety of units, including those with pipeline specialty attachments to fulfill unique job site needs. All of our crawler carrier rentals for pipeline work are available with flexible terms including daily, weekly and monthly rates. 

Crawler Carriers for All Pipeline Stages

Crawler Carriers for Pipeline Clearing
Crawler Carriers for Pipeline Stringing
  • Crawler Carrier with Pintle Hitch
Crawler Carriers for Pipeline Welding
Crawler Carriers for Final Pipeline Clean-up & Restoration

To view current crawler carriers available for your next pipeline project, visit our online sales and rental showrooms, or give Rig Source a call today at 630.365.1649.

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