Take advantage of an excellent opportunity to rent this Geoprobe 3126GT 6-Speed. The Geoprobe 3126GT 6 Speed is equipped for direct push, auger, CPT, and core drilling work. Reserve this rental unit today.
Geoprobe 3126GT 6-Speed Rental Specifications:
- Geotech Head ASM GR6.5
- DP Hammer Assembly GR6.5
- 6800# Winch Kit 3126GT
- 2500# Winch Kit 3126GT
- Telescoping Mast, Dual Winch 31 Series
- Drill Mast Outrigger Kit 3100GT
- Breakout Kit 31 Series
- 3L6 Moyno ASM W/Table Oper Side 3126GT
- Extruder Kit 3126GT – 60”
- 3126 Water Swivel ASM
- Drop Rack System w/150 Tank
For more information on our Geoprobe 3126GT 6-Speed, please contact the Rig Source rental team at 630.365.1649.