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Top 10 Hottest Drill Rig and Crawler Carrier Rentals for 2014

Statistics are in and the list of 10 hottest drill rig and crawler carrier rentals for 2014 has been created for your viewing pleasure. Use this list to find out what rental equipment you should be reserving before it’s gone.

Crawler Carrier Rental Equipment

  1. Morooka MST-2200VD Crawler Carrier is the largest crawler carrier offered in our rental fleet. It has the highest carrying capacity among crawler carriers, and offers the capability of mounting a VacMaster System 1000 on the back. The Morooka MST-2200VD is versatile to many industries, but finds a great deal of popularity in the pipeline.
  2. Geoprobe® 7822DT Direct Push rental units are hard to come by because very few people put them in their rental fleet. The Geoprobe® 7822DT unit is best utilized in the environmental drilling field for soil sampling prior to building or land transactions.
  3. Terramac® RT9 Crawler Carrier is the latest machine on the market. The Terramac® RT9 offers a variety of mounting options and has a larger carrying capacity than other units in its class. Renters are choosing Terramac® RT9 units as a means of testing out the modern technology prior to purchasing new.Morooka and IHI crawler carrier rental equipment
  4. IHI IC-45 Crawler Carrier units are small in size and can maneuver into tight spaces where larger units cannot. Similarly, IHI IC-45 crawler carrier units can be shipped relatively cheap since three units fit as one load.
  5. Diedrich D-120 Track mounted Drill Rig is a big hit for the geotechnical industry. The Diedrich D-120 has higher torque allowing deeper penetration for soil testing than others in its class. These rental drill rigs also come equipped with an automatic SPT hammer.
  6. Morooka MST-800VD Crawler Carrier is well liked among the construction industry because it has the lowest price point for a crawler carrier. This smaller sized Morooka MST-800VD is similar to the IHI IC-45 crawler carrier unit can be shipped three per load.various drill rig rental equipment
  7. IHI IC-100 Crawler Carrier is primarily used for larger sized jobs associated with the pipelines. It is well liked for carrying supplies with either a dump or flat bed.
  8. Morooka MST-1500VD Crawler Carrier is considered your middle of the road unit for its size and price point. Utility companies favor the Morooka MST-1500VD, but this crawler carrier offers a number of benefits to various other industries as well.
  9. Diedrich D-50 Track mounted Drill Rig is well liked in the geotechnical industry. It has many of the same capabilities as a Diedrich D-120, but doesn’t reach quite the same depth. Therefore, it is often times used on smaller projects.
  10. CME 55 Track Mounted Drill Rig is another great drill rig for smaller projects. The CME 55 has fairly similar capabilities in comparison to the Diedrich D-50 so it too is favored by environmental drillers. The deciding factor between the Diedrich D-50 and CME 55 often times comes down to brand preference or familiarity.

Need more help deciding which drill rig or crawler carrier rentals you’ll need this year? Give Rig Source a call today at 630.365.1649. Not only will he get you into this year’s hottest, but he will make sure you have all the attachments and extras to keep your business running all year long.

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